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Use this parameter to identify the source of your traffic. This could be a website name, search engine, newsletter name, or social network. Example: utm_source=google
Use this parameter to identify the medium used to share and access your link. This could be email, social, cost per click (cpc), or another method. Example: utm_medium=cpc
Use this parameter to identify a campaign or promotion tied to your link. This could be a product name, type of sale, contest name, etc. Example: utm_campaign=summer-sale
Use this parameter for paid search campaigns to track relevant ad-based keywords. This helps you identify which keyword(s) resulted in a site visit. Example: utm_term=camping-gear
Use this parameter to determine what someone clicked on to get to your site when there are multiple links pointing to the same URL, such as in an email or on a landing page with multiple CTAs. This parameter is also used to distinguish between ads pointing to the same URL. It is commonly used for A/B testing and content-targeted ads. Example: utm_content=cta-bottom

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